Pillar 3 - Selling - Think Great

3 Pillars

Business System

Dynamic Reading

Team Development

Deep-Dive Sessions

Become the Sales Driver Your Company Needs

Bring The Sales Impact System into Your Organization

By implementing the Sales Impact System (SIS), you will attain transformational sales results by creating the environment for sustainable high-performance. Your team will become the Sales Drivers needed to accomplish your short-term and long-term goals.

The true power of the SIS is its simplicity. The SIS is a genuine, authentic, and people centered sales model designed specifically for those who never dreamed of being in sales. It focuses on team empowerment as the driving engine of your sales vehicle.

Drive Your Sales Results to New Levels

From his revolutionary book, Dynamic Sales Combustion, Erik Therwanger will share the sales strategies and techniques he has personally applied as a top producer, an executive sales leader, and a sales trainer to thousands of sales professionals.

Empowering Topics

Part 1


Fine-Tuned Perceptions
Upgraded Dimensions
High-Performance Leadership

Part 2


Discovery Info
Action Info
Tactical Info

Part 3


Achieving Ignition
Creating Momentum
Developing Velocity

Part 4


Your Plan
Your Schedule
Your Environment

4-Part Series
Sales Driving School

Interactive Courses

Up to 90 minutes

This game-changing presentation enhances the perceptions of "selling and closing" by introducing sales professionals to the empowering style of "sharing and opening."

4-Part Series

Interactive Courses

3 Hour and 6 Hour Workshop

This powerful series explores each of the four parts of Dynamic Sales Combustion and provides sales teams with the strategies needed to hit and exceed their sales goals.

For the full impact, copies of Dynamic Sales Combustion and interactive workbooks are available!

Sales Driving School

Interactive Courses

3 Hour Workshops

This 6-part program is a detailed examination of your current sales process. Make the necessary course-corrections for high-level performance and improve efficiencies, productivity, and accountability. Materials provided.

Drive Your Sales Results to New Levels

From his revolutionary book, Dynamic Sales Combustion, Erik Therwanger will share the sales strategies and techniques he has personally applied as a top producer, an executive sales leader, and a sales trainer to thousands of sales professionals.

Buy Now
Our sales pipeline has grown ten times since we began to apply Erik’s sales strategies and techniques. He has been transformational for our company. More than just providing ideas and thoughts, he delivers the “boots-on-the-ground” practical application necessary to put you in the driver’s seat. Erik taught us how to show our value to our clients sooner, and bundle it up in a way that is more purchasable, sooner. Clients are far, far happier to be getting to their marketing solutions sooner. It’s amazing what a little change in perceptions can do.

John Arms - CEO/Partner, Wingnut Advertising